Our quest to create happy neighbourhoods for the many

Bonava’s purpose is to create happy neighbourhoods for the many.
To do this, we need to really understand what makes people happy where they live. Through conducting our third Happy Quest survey in our Bonava countries, talking to happiness experts and reviewing research, we have deep dived into how neighbourhood happiness really comes about, what sustains it and what benefits it can lead to. In 2019 we developed our data driven model for creating Happy Neighbourhoods: the House of Happiness, where happiness increases with each floor, starting with functional needs and moving up to emotional, community and lastly reaching neighbourhood purpose. In this year’s research we have focused on the two top floors: community and neighbourhood purpose. On this site you can explore our key findings and most important insights. The full in-depth report is available for download at the end of the page.
The big impact of small, everyday actions
This year’s Happy Quest survey shows that how satisfied people are with their home and neighbourhood stands for almost 20 percent of their general life happiness. And when it comes to how happy people are in their neighbourhood, Swedes are the happiest followed by Finns and Norwegians.
But as the name suggests, our quest for happiness continues. One of the key findings from this years’ study is that happiness can be both generated and amplified from even the smallest, everyday actions. We have also learned the triple win effects of happy neighbourhoods since neighbourhoods where people are happy also tend to be more sustainable for both people and the planet. As you will realise scrolling this site, it’s all connected: the small, momentary and the big, long-term, the local and the global. And it all starts with happiness.
of general happiness comes from how satisfied people are with their home and neighbourhood